About BaKoMa TeX

BaKoMa TeX is a full-featured TeX/LaTeX implementation. For this reason, it includes a lot of programs related to TeX. However, in this section, we only review GUI programs of BaKoMa TeX.

Main Programs

BaKoMa TeX includes three basic GUI programs: TeXWord, Centaur, DVIEW, that can be used separately or together.

BaKoMa TeX Word Visual is a LaTeX editor that provides:

It also includes features such as:

With BaKoMa TeX Word Visual, users can create professional-quality LaTeX documents quickly and easily, without needing a deep understanding of LaTeX code syntax.

Centaur (TeXCode)
BaKoMa Text Editor.

Centaur (TeXCode) is a LaTeX editor that provides:

It is optimized for working with the TeX typesetting system and is part of the BaKoMa TeX software suite. Overall, Centaur (TeXCode) is a powerful and flexible LaTeX editor that streamlines the document creation process and provides users with a range of tools for creating professional-quality documents.

PostScript Enabled DVI Viewer.

DVIEW is a software tool developed by BaKoMa TeX that provides:

DVIEW is optimized for use with the BaKoMa TeX typesetting system and is a valuable tool for anyone working with scientific or technical documents. Its powerful rendering engine, customization options, and interactive tools make it a flexible tool for previewing and interacting with TeX and LaTeX documents.